Monday, July 21, 2014

Cucumber Relish Recipe

"How cam’st thou in this pickle?" ~ The Tempest

Cucumber Relish 

4 cups chopped unpeeled cucumbers (if large split and remove seeds)
4 large white onions, chopped
4 bell peppers, chopped (2 red / 2 green, if you do not have red bell peppers, you can add some chopped pimiento for color)
1 or 2 red cayenne or other hot pepper, chopped fine
1 T salt

Combine chopped vegetables and add 1 Tbsp salt. Let stand for two hours. Drain well in a colander.

In a large pot combine

4 cups sugar
4 t mustard seed
4 t celery seed
2 t turmeric
1 t salt
1/2 t ground black pepper
4 cups apple cider vinegar

Add drained vegetable mixture to pot and stir all together.  Bring just to a boil, then reduce heat and cook slowly for one hour.  Put mixture in hot sterilized jars and seal.  

Heat jars in a boiling hot water bath for 10 minutes. 

Remove jars and listen for the Ping!

Yield 4-5 pints